As an example, the default Details text displayed when the CPU - Individual CPU Usage alarm is raised is
{% raw %}
Average utilization of processor {{key}} is {{value}}%.
{% endraw %}
Connection Name
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
The name of the connection the alarm was raised on.
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
The error message from the alarm.
Alarm Name
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
The name of the alarm.
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
The severity of the raised alarm.
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
The time the alarm was raised.
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
The value that will trigger the alarm. For example in a CPU alarm this would be the % CPU that is measured. This can be prefixed with int: to force the value to be displayed as an integer. As in:
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
Key Value
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
The value of the key in the collection. Some collections are multi-valued and have a key that differentiates the data. For example in the database backup alarm it is the database name. This field only makes sense where the collection is multi-valued. By default this variable is always included in the alarm text for collections that are multi-valued.
Tag Value
{% raw %}
{{TAG_VALUE #name}}
{% endraw %}
A tag on the connection. Replace #name with the name of the tag. For example, if the tag is #owner.bob then edit the variable name as
{% raw %}
{{TAG_VALUE #owner}}
{% endraw %}
This will be displayed as a comma separated list of the values for that tag. Tag names and values are assigned on [Connection Properties | Tags][enterprise_cfgmonitor_connect_tags].
If there is no matching tag
{% raw %}
{{TAG_VALUE #name}}
{% endraw %}
will be replaced with the text
{% raw %}
#name not found.
{% endraw %}
Other Variables
There are cases where additional variables are used in the [Alarm Log][enterprise_display_alarmlog] | Details column as defined in the [Alarms Dialog][enterprise_cfgmonitor_alarms]. For example:
{% raw %}
The data file {{SQLFiles.File}} ({{SQLFiles.path}}) in database {{SQLFiles.DBName}} is {{value}}% full..
{% endraw %}
The use of these variables is specific to the alarm they are used to describe. In the [Alarms Dialog][enterprise_cfgmonitor_alarms], you may copy and paste alarm descriptions including these variables from one severity to another. Further customized use of these variables is not recommended.