Configure Alarms :: Spotlight Cloud Documentation

Add alarms to custom counters

Configure | Custom Counters Prior to following these instructions, ensure you [Configure | Custom Counters][enterprise_cfgmonitor_customcounters]. From the Spotlight Client Click Configure | Alarms. {% include imageClient.html file=“tb_config_alarms.png” alt=“Configure Alarms” %} Select the connection or template to apply the alarm configuration to. Double click on the Custom Counters alarm appropriate to the connection type (SQL Custom Counters or Windows Custom Counters). The dialog to Configure an alarm opens. Fill in the Configure an alarm dialog Clear Factory Settings Clear the Factory Settings control so you can modify the settings for this alarm.

Alarms - Message Variables

As an example, the default Details text displayed when the CPU - Individual CPU Usage alarm is raised is {% raw %} Average utilization of processor {{key}} is {{value}}%. {% endraw %} Variables Connection Name {% raw %} {{CONNECTION_NAME}} {% endraw %} The name of the connection the alarm was raised on. Message {% raw %} {{MESSAGE}} {% endraw %} The error message from the alarm.

Configure an alarm

Factory Settings Select Return the settings for this alarm to the Factory Settings. These are the settings that were shipped with Spotlight. Clear You can now modify the settings for this alarm. {% include note.html content=“You cannot modify the Factory Settings Template. If you cannot see an option to clear Factory Settings then you are browsing the Factory Settings Template. To modify the settings for this alarm, close this dialog and select either a Spotlight Connection or a different template from the Configure | Alarms dialog.

Severity thresholds

{% include imageClient.html file=“pane_alarms_thresholds.png” alt=“This alarm is raised to a single severity.” %} From the Spotlight Client Click Configure | Alarms. {% include imageClient.html file=“tb_config_alarms.png” alt=“Configure Alarms” %} Select the connection or template to apply the alarm configuration to. Double click on the alarm to Configure an alarm. Clear the Factory Settings control so you can modify the settings for this alarm. Add, remove, adjust severities Use either the colored bar or the Severity table.

The Ignore Values dialog

From the Spotlight Client Click Configure | Alarms. {% include imageClient.html file=“tb_config_alarms.png” alt=“Configure Alarms” %} Select the connection or template to apply the alarm configuration to. Double click on the alarm to [Configure an alarm][enterprise_cfgmonitor_alarm]. Clear the Factory Settings control so you can modify the settings for this alarm. Click values in the sentence Do not alarm for certain values to open the Ignore values dialog. The Ignore Values dialog Ignore the following values when raising alarms This is the list of values ignored when raising the alarm.