The standard scenario may be:
- for a given connection
- when a specific alarm is raised
- of specific severity ([severities][enterprise_cfgmonitor_alarm_severity])
- send a push notification to a mobile device
How can this rule be created and maintained?
Create and maintain alarm action rules from the Spotlight Client
From the Spotlight Client:
- Click [Configure | Alarms Actions][enterprise_cfgmonitor_alarmactions]. {% include imageClient.html file=“tb_config_alarmactions.png” alt=“Configure Alarm Actions” %}
- Click New to create a new rule. This opens the [Alarm Action Dialog][enterprise_cfgmonitor_alarmaction].
Select the conditions under which the rule will run.
If this rule is related to specific connections
- In the list of conditions, tick The connection is…
- In the rule description click connections. Select the connections this rule applies to.
{% include tip.html content=“When you use The connection is… condition there are some things to be aware of. For more information, see [The Connection is…][enterprise_cfgmonitor_alarmaction_connectionis].” %}
If this rule is related to specific alarms
- In the list of conditions, tick The alarm is…
- In the rule description click alarms. Select the alarms this rule applies to.
If this rule is related to specific severities
- In the list of conditions, tick The alarm severity is…
- In the rule description click Low, Medium or High. Select the severities this rule applies to.
Variable conditions - multiple rules
For any given rule, all the actions are taken when all the conditions are met. Any variability requires separate rules.
Push notifications for operating system related alarms and SQL Server related alarms may have different recipients.
{% raw %}
For all alarms
where the connection type is one of os/vmware, os/windows
send Push Notification to helpdesk@company com
For all alarms
where the connection type is database/sqlserver
send Push Notification to dbagroup@company com
{% endraw %}
The severity may determine the action.
{% raw %}
For all alarms
where the connection type is one of os/vmware, os/windows
and the alarm severity is High
send Push Notification to helpdesk@company com
For all alarms
where the connection type is database/sqlserver
and the alarm severity is Medium or High
send Push Notification to dbagroup@company com
{% endraw %}
Select the action to Send Push Notification to my mobile device
In the list of actions to perform, tick Send Push Notification to my mobile device
Open and fill in the Send a Push Notification dialog
In the rule description, click (add recipient account). This opens the Send a Push Notification Dialog.
Enter the Spotlight Cloud (Spotlight Essentials) account name(s) to receive the push notification.
Note that Spotlight Cloud account names are in the form of an email address. However the push notification is not sent to the email address. The push notification is sent to mobile device(s) where [Spotlight Mobile][mobile_welcome] is installed with Sign in from this(these) Spotlight Cloud account(s).
When multiple Spotlight Cloud account names are involved, separate each account name with a comma.
In the case of a Spotlight Cloud (Spotlight Essentials) organization, to send a push notification to all members of the organization, list all members of the organization in the To field.
Enter the push notification message.
This can include variables. For more information, see [Alarms - Message Variables][enterprise_cfgmonitor_alarm_messagevariables].
Click Test to send a push notification to mobile device(s) where Spotlight Mobile is installed with Sign in from this(these) Spotlight Cloud account(s). Confirm notifications are working as expected.